“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Home Page

Ysgol Y Parc

Rydym yn tyfu a dysgu gyda’n gilydd er mwyn cael dyfodol disglair.

We grow and learn together for a bright future.


A very warm welcome to Ysgol Y Parc website! We hope that you will enjoy visiting our website and that it will provide you with a good insight into our vibrant, happy and successful school. The staff at our school are caring, experienced and committed to meeting the individual needs of every child, and to creating a happy, secure environment.


  • Whole School -
  • Reception Mr Lyall-Hay -
  • Reception Mrs Price -
  • Year 1 Mrs Harrison -
  • Year 1 Mrs Lynch -
  • Year 2 Miss Cannon -
  • Year 2 Miss Hughes -


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Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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‘A dementia-friendly community is a city, town or village where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported and confident they can contribute to community life.’
