“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin
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Ysgol Y Parc

Rydym yn tyfu a dysgu gyda’n gilydd er mwyn cael dyfodol disglair.

We grow and learn together for a bright future.

School Aims





We grow and learn together for a bright future

Rydym yn tyfu a dysgu gyda’n gilydd er mwyn

cael dyfodol disglair


Ysgol y Parc’s Aims and Values


At Ysgol y Parc we aim to:

  • create a happy and secure environment for your child
  • help your child to become an ambitious, capable learner, an enterprising, creative contributor, a healthy, confident individual and an ethical, informed citizen
  • help your child to develop courtesy, good manners and consideration for others
  • teach your child to respect, support, challenge, inspire and cherish others
  • demonstrate that each pupil is valued as an individual
  • develop skills in Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency through all aspects of learning
  • develop bilingualism through teaching the Welsh Language
  • develop a Positive Mindset
  • ensure that each child grows through spiritual, moral, personal, social and cultural development and awareness
  • develop environmental awareness, sustainability, knowledge and understanding of the world and instil global citizenship
  • work in partnership with parents
  • develop links with business and industry
  • provide an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum so as to meet individual needs.

In so doing we will:

  • encourage your child to do his/her best at all times in all aspects of school life and develop their independence
  • encourage children to follow the Ysgol y Parc Golden Rules
  • provide a positive learning environment which
  • teach the ‘Super Learning Powers’
  • promote healthy living and physical development
  • value everyone
  • provide challenging, valuable and exciting learning experiences for all children
  • encourage an understanding of Welsh culture
  • ensure that each child arrives and leaves school promptly and safely
  • ensure the safety of each child whilst they are in our care.


The above aims are the basis for our Curriculum and they are outlined in our ‘Home / School Agreement’
